Friday, November 18, 2011

On "It's Just Politics"--Straight to the Point

Some of us don't have the luxury to "agree to disagree" on "political issues" like the rights of a minority group.
Guess why?

Only Light Drives Out Darkness

Those who defended Proposition 8's Constitutionality in court are now arguing against the release of videos of the trial, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

They're afraid that the videos could be spread in a one-sided manner, showing only snippets that make one side look bad. And by "one side" they apparently mean their own, since despite the neutral-sounding argument their opponents are arguing for the release of the videos.
But wait, which side is known for releasing one-sided videos, images, statements, and other modes of propaganda? Oh, I see... They don't need video of the actual trial to do it, since they use actors and lie a lot (like, not twisted stories or spin, but actual objective lying; a lot).

So, I guess it's true that releasing the videos makes one side look bad. Them. Because that's what happens when you see what they actually did. They look bad because, waitforitwaitforit, they are.

In the words of one of history's greatest men (King): Darkness can not drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Let's shed some light on those who would prefer to act unseen in the darkness.

Take a look at these videos of potential pro-Prop 8 witnesses being asked questions under oath (by those mean ol' bullies who ask them things! The noive!). The fact that these guys lie a lot, objectively, and that they know it was incredibly obvious. Why? Because to lie here would've been perjury. So upon being asked a simple, direct yes or no question that she couldn't spin, one witness looked extremely pissed. "Yes" (the answer she didn't like, but which was, y'know, true), she hissed most venomously after a pause.
She was there to hurt queers. Not to argue the truth. And realizing that she was under oath and had to do the latter, she knew she couldn't do the former.
That's bad.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Wouldn't Want Them to Look Foolish, Now...

I took this quiz.
Given that they're very pro-family (or is that "Pro-Family"?), I trust that the obvious errors are a foolish oversight, and not an example of gross moral bankruptcy. I sent them an e-mail to let them know where they've made mistakes, so that the issue may be corrected.

I can't help but notice that most of the answers on your quiz are incorrect. The information included in the descriptions below contradicts the given "correct" answer for most cases, in case you need evidence of the error.

The only questions posted which has the correct answer (number 3) seems to have been given such entirely by accident, too! "Homosexual activists" do not claim that 10% of the population is gay, that is merely a popular--but widely known to be incorrect by actual experts such as gay-rights activists.
Furthermore, the given answer to the question suggests the baffling illogic that because the population is small the Constitution should not apply to these tax-paying American citizens! Obviously ludicrous.

I trust that an organization dedicated to real values such as faith, family, and freedom will correct these gross errors post-haste. After all, bearing false witness against your neighbor would be in stark violation of those values; I am sure this misinformation was posted erroneously.

Yours in Christ's Love

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Augh! Not Freedom of Religion!

Okay, I tweeted about this twice (@ReedP938), but I just have to talk about it some more. Twitter is just not suited to my overly wordy, rambling, highly-verbose, somewhat redundant attempts at prose.

The National Organization for Marriage (a national organization dedicated to preventing marriages) has a recent post on their blog which really caught my eye: "UK Introduces Plan to Conduct Same-Sex Partnerships in Church". I'd consider commenting on a NOMBlog moderated comment thread (no seriously, I've heard them called that by their own supporters), but other than the fact that rational comments are deleted at random (so they miss the subtler ones that don't say what NOM thinks they say, I get that, but sometimes they don't get around to deleting perfectly rational posts that ask questions none of their people have attempted to answer; it's weird), comments on that particular article are now closed (since they so heavily chop at them, I assume they only keep them open briefly so that they can keep up with them; that or that particular article got a lot of reasonable people commenting).

Now, anti-gay organizations have made claims--or at least implications--that civil recognition of same-sex marriages would have an impact on the marriages performed by religious institutions. This is, of course, a lie. Religious institutions always have restrictions on the marriages that they will perform that the state does not. A Catholic church will never perform a marriage between a Muslim and a Hindu even if they're good and straight, and nobody is remotely surprised by this restriction. Some churches require both parties to be members of their religion, others only require one. Some have other rules, regarding previous divorces or other things.
This is not new. This will not change. This is known by everybody, but it's such a basic piece of information that a lot of people don't consider it if it's not pointed out to them. And NOM depends on that fact.

Now, this article? It's about how the civil partnerships that already exist in the UK will soon be able to performed in churches like their (heterosexual-only) civil marriage* counterpart. Supposedly, anyway.
Now, obviously, this is one of the normal rights of marriage. Spelling out that gays should get it too is something that shouldn't have to be done, but does because these couples were given a distinct legal relationship which resembles, but is unfairly different from, the existing set of rules that they could easily have been given access to. The fact that this even needs to be said is evidence that different classes for legally-recognized (and hopefully permanent) straight relationships and legally-recognized (and hopefully permanent) gay relationships is not only unnecessary but actually bad (ooh, I'm breaking out the bold italic text; shit just got real).
But this is a totally innocuous occurrence. It's fixing an oversight. Churches who already perform religious marriages for same-sex couples will be able to sign the documentation to make it legal that already exists, just like they always have been able to do for straight couples. It's barely newsworthy, although you can see how they might want to get the information out there for the religious gays and gay-friendly religious institutions.

Oh, and the article they link to claims this threatens the freedom of religion. They have the religious freedom to agree with us; that's what that means, right? I guess NOM has international counterparts...

*Say, aren't "partnership" and "marriage" words with pretty much identical meanings? Why does sticking "civil" in front of both terms make people think they should be distinct?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On "Protecting Marriage"--Straight to the Point

So ye're really gonna "protect" your right to marriage by taking away mine? Hmmm...

Could you turn around for just a sec'? I have to "protect" my wallet.

Through the Looking Glass

They rail about how not being able to hurt certain people would infringe upon their rights. How it is an integral human right--for them anyway. How they would be suffering unfair discrimination at the hands of an oppressive government and people of other groups who are bigoted against them. Their oppression is obvious, even if they have not yet actually been banned from oppressing; they do not, and never will, see their victims as people.

And then the anti-gays see this and smile and nod, and call the pro-abortion people hypocrites and point out how ridiculous and awful they are. And vice versa.
Because they are on opposing sides of a false "conservative" and "liberal" dichotomy, and not because they are any different from each other.